Carmi Subdivision

Statistical Data

Carmi Subdivision – Penticton to Myra

Operations started: 1914
Operations ended: 1973
Tracks removed: 1980
Lowest Elevation: 345 meters
Highest Elevation: 1260 meters
Total Distance: 82.7 Kilometers


Carmi Subdivision – Myra to Midway

Operations started: 1914
Operations ended: 1973/77
Tracks removed: 1979
Lowest Elevation: 585 meters
Highest Elevation: 1256 meters
Total Distance: 134.9 Kilometers


Carmi Subdivision Notes

Carmi Subdivision – Penticton to Myra

This is probably the most famous section of the Kettle Valley Railway because it has the Myra Canyon in it. The Myra Canyon is located near Kelowna and is easily accessible via car or bike to either end of the canyon. Once there, you can easily walk or bike the 12 kilometer section of rail bed that crosses 18 bridges and goes through 2 tunnels. Unfortunately in 2003, 16 of the 18 trestles were destroyed by fire. They have since been rebuilt and this section of the railway re-opened to the public.

This section of the railway leaves the north east side of Penticton and follows the Okanagan lake towards the town of Naramata. This area is all vineyards and orachards and is a very pretty area. Also of note in this section is Lakeview Cemetary, where Andrew McCulloch is buried, he was the engineer who designed the Kettle Valley Railway.

Before you reach Naramata, the rail bed leaves the lake and begins its climb towards Chute Lake and then eventually Ruth where the Myra Canyon starts. There are a lot of things in this section to see. There is the little tunnel that overlooks the Okanagan lake and Penticton, the view is fantastic from there. When the tunnel was first built, small tourist trains were run up to the tunnel and back. After the little tunnel is the Adra tunnel, access is blocked due to the unsafe conditions inside the tunnel. Also the tunnel actual doubles back on itself as it climbs, which makes the interior completely dark.

You will also come across rock ovens in this area, these are large ovens made of rocks stacked to make a dome shape. There are several still standing in this area and are now part of a regional park to protect them.

At Chute Lake, things start to level out a bit, there is a nice resort here on the lake. There is a road up to Chute Lake.

When you leave Chute Lake, you eventually come to Ruth, which is almost the highest spot on the entire Kettle Valley Railway.

Stations in this section are Penticton, Arawana, Glenfir, Adra, Chute Lake, Lorna, Ruth, and Myra. Only Penticton station remains, with some outbuildings found at Chute Lake.


Carmi Subdivision – Myra to Midway

Once you have gone through the Myra Canyon, the railway passes McCulloch Lake before it turns south on its way down to Rock Creek and finally Midway. There was a great resort at McCulloch lake at one time, they had these rustic cabins overlooking the lake and a great lodge with restaurant. Last time I was past there, they were doing some rebuilding, so not sure if it will open as a resort again, it looks more like some expensive cabins are being built.

Right after McCulloch, the right of way heads south on its way to Midway, the terminus of the Kettle Valley Railway. Midway is often referred to as Mile 0 of the KVR.

Some of the right of way in this section has been absorbed by the ranches and it is difficult to find. Some bridges have been removed.

With the exception of the station at Midway, which has been preserved as a museum, all other stations have disappeared. All that remains are a few buildings here and there.

Stations in this section are Myra, McCulloch, Cookson, Lakevale, Lois, Carmi, Beaverdell, Delwye, Taurus, Rhone, Westbridge, Zamora, Rock Creek, Kettle Valley and Midway.

Click on one of the links below to view the stations or points of interest in the Carmi Subdivision